Thursday, April 21, 2011

Inside A Killer's Mind

My Last Post

    As I look back on my blog and think about everything that I have learned, I honestly can say that I not only learned about my Topic of serial Killers ,but I also learned how to correctly cite links and information that was needed for this and any other assignments. I learned how to find good sources for my blogs and I also Learned about my Topic as well. Serial Killers in my perspective are very interesting people. Although they kill for bad reason’s reading and watching the book/show Dexter made me realize that their could be some one out there who is just like Dexter. Trying to find his or her way in the world pretending to be human or at least living a double life as a regular normal human being and as a serial killer. Just like Dexter Morgan tries to be in the book and show. Dexter tries to have it all, live a normal life, go to work, come home and play with his kids and talk with his wife and deal with other people’s problems that surrounds him. Then try to feed is hunger for more blood, which is a very hard schedule for Dexter to juggle. In my opinion I see Dexter as a good  serial killer, I know its wrong for someone to kill other people but In a way he is getting rid of  he bad people who hurt the good ones and to me, in a semi-psychotic way I think that’s fine. I know it might sound crazy and you might think that I’m some sick loony but to me I understand Dexter and serial killers in general. Unlike other people who just think they are bad people. This is why I chose this topic about serial killers. I understand their pain and wanting the attention and control and or love that some people choose to ignore and when you feel ignored and hurt to the core, there’s this little voice in your head that tells you enough is enough and you want to be heard. At times some people may act differently, some people may become serial killers because of their family life or something that has happened in their life that has made him/her so angry that they need to kill or some people may just have this weird compulsion to takes lives because of the way their mind works. Some serial killers have low IQ’s but Dexter is special because he has a very high IQ. I respect Dexter and his work. I would love someday to meet Michael C. Hall Who plays Dexter’s character and ask him some one on one questions about the show and how he prepares to be that killer-tastic character  Dexter Morgan. There is so many things that  I have learned about serial killers, and sadly enough I will not be continuing my blog. If I ever got an interview with Michael C Hall I probably post it , but I feel like this post should be my last.  I would like to thank Mrs. Persen for helping me with anything that I needed help on and for just caring so much ,YOU ROCK MRS. PERSEN! Although this is my last post I still will continue reading all the Dexter series and keep watching the show until its done.  I am so happy I chose a topic that I can relate to and I love telling people about Dexter Morgan and serial killers in general. I hope some one has learned a little something from my blog and enjoys it as much as I have, thank you and take care! 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Personal Essay: Dexter

Personal Essay
Dexter: My favorite season

                       Dexter Morgan and the Trinity Killer

    Well, for this post I have decided to stick with my topic and write about the show Dexter. Season 4 was my favorite by far. In the whole season the Miami Metro police department were working on mysterious deaths  that seem to lead to an old unsolved cold cases of brutal murders that happened about 30 years before. The trinity killer in my opinion was the best “evil” serial killer on that show. Played by Arthur Mitchell, Trinity’s character had to have a creepy, haunting , and scary vibe. Arthur Mitchell  definitely captured that feeling from me. Not enough to keep me a wake up at night, but scary enough to make me want to lock my doors and keep a knife with me at all times when I'm home alone at night. His persona is evil but in the best way ever for Trinity’s character. Michael C. Hall of course is the best “good” serial Killer that is lovable, charming, and personal. Besides Michael’s “killer” looks, he makes killing fun and suspenseful. You always wonder what he is going to do next and when you hear his thoughts and what he says you can understand how he feels toward something or someone. For instance in season 4 Dexter had found out who Trinity was and that he had a double life. Dexter states in episode 5 Dirty Harry: “Trinity is a husband... a father. He's... like me.” in that episode  Dexter’s sister Deb had been shot as well as another cop in the previous episode. His name was Lundy and he had been working on the Trinity case for years.  Deb is recovering over Lundy’s death and thinks that Trinity had shot her and Lundy. So Dexter must find out how to kill Trinity and blame a different person as the Trinity killer. So he finds out were Trinity lives and tells him that his name is Kyle Butler. Dexter doesn’t want Trinity to find out who he is so that his family is safe and that he doesn’t get caught being with Trinity. He and Trinity hit it off, Dexter wants to make sure that this guy is really and truly the Trinity Killer so he tells him that he kills people. that’s when Dexter and Trinity start to spend quality time together and ruins Dexter’s life forever. I hated the fact that Dexter waited to long to kill Trinity, Dexter started to look up to trinity because he was the only person besides Jack the Ripper and the Zodiac killer to get away with all these murders and still have a normal family life. I think that it was hard for Dexter to kill trinity because Trinity understood what Dexter was going through. Just like Dexter Trinity had a troubling past that led him to kill people just like the way his family had died. I thought it was interesting how at the end of the season Dexter has set up the killing room for Trinity. He had played music and left pictures and a train set around for Trinity so that he was comfortable enough for Dexter to kill him. It was also sad because at the very end Dexter returns home and finds his baby boy Harrison on the floor of the bathroom covered in his mothers blood. Rita Dexter’s wife was murdered by Trinity or at least that’s what it seems because some of the females that were murdered that he had committed were the same way Rita was murdered in the bathtub in a pool of blood. This season had a very thrilling, suspenseful  beginning and  a shocking ending. It did make me cry when Rita was murdered but now Dexter can focus more on Killing and taking care of the kids. I realize that Dexter has many weaknesses and I think that’s what makes him human and I love every part of his character.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Compare and Contrast: Serial killers

   Dexter Morgan vs. Jack the Ripper                

                                                                Dexter Morgan

                                                                 Jack the Ripper

   How can Dexter Morgan and Jack the Ripper be similar or different? Could Dexter Morgan take Jack the Ripper? For this compare and contrast post I will be comparing, contrasting, and  answering all types of questions. I will be researching the similarities and the differences that Dexter Morgan a fictional serial killer charter and Jack the Ripper a real life serial killer share and do not share.


 As I researched there seems that there is not much in common between Dexter and Jack. However, Jack the Ripper and Dexter Morgan are both serial killers. Both are intelligent for their time. They both are males. They both (from what I have researched) like to kill. They both have a certain way to kill, and both don’t ever feel guilty about who they killed. Dexter had said in season one of Dexter “I really need to kill somebody.” they both have also never been caught.


  There are more differences then similarities between Dexter Morgan and Jack the Ripper because Jack the Ripper was a real serial killer who was never found and Dexter is a fictional serial killer on TV. Dexter Morgan is a serial killer on Showtime’s series “Dexter” played by actor Michael C Hall. Dexter had a troubling past. When he was just three years old his mother was murdered. Due to that dramatic event, when Dexter grew up with his foster father Harry Morgan, mother Doris Morgan, and sister Deborah Morgan  he had these compulsions to kill and he ended up taking a dogs life. When his father Harry found out , he knew that Dexter would have to be put in a mental institution or he had to train Dexter to kill under the radar. So when Dexter was a teen . Harry taught him the Codes :
 Killing innocents is NEVER allowed
Always take time and make sure you have the right person-EVIDENCE
Be extremely careful with the killing and more importantly the PREPARATION!
Remember: YOU control your urges to kill, they don't control you.
Fake emotion and normality to fit in.
never get caught!
When taking a psychology personality test, always answer the question with the opposite of what you feel
  These codes helped Dexter out more than anyone could have thought. Since technology is improving and any evidence that is left behind can be found Dexter would have to be very careful. Unlike Jack the Ripper. He killed in the 1800’s in England while Dexter kills in Miami, Fl in today’s society. In Jack the Rippers time there was never data bases for DNA or finger print analyzing so that’s why Jack the Ripper was never caught. Some other differences between Jack and Dexter is that Jack killed five harmless female prostitutes  and Dexter only kills people who hurt the innocent which could be male or female but they are mostly male. They both did have a certain way of killing. Dexter would first hunt who he was going to kill. Make sure he followed every code that Harry told him, then he would make sure they were alone, at night then when he had is chance and would inject them with this needle, and bring them to his killing room where he had in advanced set up this room with plastic everywhere, had pictures of the victims the person he was killing had killed or hurt. Then when the time was right he would talk to them tell them something and then would stab them in the heart and watch them take their last breathe when blood would be pouring though the plastic. Then Dexter would cut the body parts in pieces, then pack the body parts up  and drop them in the Miami ocean. In Jack the Ripper’s case he killed five female prostitutes by strangling still they are unconscious and then rapped them from behind. In one interesting case from jack the Ripper,he had cut the throats when the women were on the ground. Splatter stains show that the blood pooled beside or under the neck and head of the victim rather than the front which is where the blood would flow if they had been standing up. In one case blood was found on the fence some 14 inches or so from the ground and opposite the neck wound and this shows that the blood spurted from the body while in the prone position on the ground. This method also prevented the killer from being unduly blood stained. By reaching over from the victim's right side to cut the left side of her throat, the blood flow would have been directed away from him, which would have reduced the amount of blood in which he would have been exposed. If the victim was already dead before their throats were cut, then the blood spilt would have not been very much. With the heart no longer beating the blood would not have been "pressurized," so only the blood in the immediate area of the wound would have evacuated gently from the cuts.  This was evidence that was recorded in the 1800’s and still to this very day can you go online and look up the case study of Jack the Ripper and see all the evidence that he had left behind. Which also brings me to other difference with Jack and Dexter. Jack the Ripper apparently left letters with the victims he murdered so that the police knew some what with who they were dealing with. A letter dated September 25 and received on the twenty-seventh by the Central News agency was the first to be signed "Jack the Ripper". A postcard post marked October 1 followed. Because it referred to a "double event" the police thought it might be from the killer since it was posted the day after the Ripper killed two women. The post card also referred to the letter and must have come from the same source as the letter had not been released to the public yet. If the post card had been sent on September 30, the day of the "double event", instead of October 1, the likelihood that it was really written by the murderer would be significantly greater.

   In my conclusion I can tell that with Dexter and in his time period being in the 21st century would have to make him a very intellectual, careful, charming, and likeable fictional serial killer. In a way I could view him as a hero or an innocent that had lost his soul due to dramatic events. Dexter Morgan is a man that is trying to “fit in” with humans , that is was the show is about. Dexter Morgan a man that is empty inside but only the feeling of hunger for a human understanding and to kill. Jack the Ripper on the other hand was a man that not only was a real serial killer in his time, but also very smart for his time. Jack the Ripper knew that the only way he could get caught is if the victims saw him and they were still alive or if witnesses saw him and reported him to the police. He wrote the letters but the police would never know who’s hand writing it was. Jack was a cold blooded killer who killed poor innocent women who did nothing to deserve to die, which always catches my interest when I read bout knew serial killers or old ones that I have never been found. In my opinion unless someone copies another serial killer’s style all serial killers with have more differences then similarities.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interview: serial killers

 Interview: Michael C. Hall ( Dexter Morgan)


 For this post I had interviewed my best friend Nicole Holland about the man behind Dexter “ Michael C. Hall.” I had recently asked her some questions about Michael C Hall’s character Dexter Morgan and the relationships that the fictional character and real serial killers have in common. I wanted her opinion and to see her point of view of the acting and style of Michael C. Hall as a serial killer.

 1 Q: Does Michael C hall play a very convincing serial killer?
    A: Yes, Michael C hall plays a convincing serial killer. He is a good actor and can portray the creepy yet charming personality Dexter calls for.
2 Q: In your opinion how does Michael C hall capture that serial killing but charming persona?
   A: Michael C Hall is hot and successful as Dexter and knows his way with people, so he can be charming and hide his dark side.
3 Q: How would Dexter and serial killers in real life be different?
   A: They might not be as hot ;) but also there would have to be more precautions taken in real life. Also more stress would be placed on real serial killer.
4Q: Do you find the show Dexter interesting more than actual serial killers? Why or why not?
  A: I do find the show Dexter interesting , I don’t know if the show is more interesting than real life serial killers. Looking at both gives you a interesting perspective on real life serial killers and fake serial killers differences.
5Q: What do you think would characterize serial killers?
 A: It really depends on the serial killer. There is always variations between killers. The main similarity is the dark secret. Some killers are viewed as anti-social, creepy, maybe a nerd or someone insane but some, like Dexter are charming, successful people who you may never expect.
6 Q: Do you think that if a different actor played Dexter that it would change who Dexter is?
   A: I think that it would change Dexter completely if Michael C Hall was replaced. He had a unique way of portraying Dexter and even though another actor with similarities may come in it wouldn’t be the same as Michael C Hall.
7 Q: What are some things you would like to know about serial killers that you don’t know? If you don’t want to know anything else what was your favorite season?
   A:I would like to get inside the brains of the killers, I think it would be interesting to know their personality and views of the world. Its not something specific but serial killers in general, from all different backgrounds. My favorite season of Dexter is…well I don’t have a favorite that are all good.
8Q: In the show Dexter kills because of his past. Do you think that some or all serial killers kill because of their past why or why not?
  A: Not all serial killers kill because of their past. They all have different reasons, like a mental disorder or triggering events. Ect…
9Q: Are there other serial killers that seem more interesting than Dexter?
  A: Not that I know of. Dexter is very interesting beyond others.
10Q: Lets say that you’re a serial killer. What people would you hunt and kill, how would you kill them and would you keep a momentum like Dexter does with his blood slides?
     A: I would kill bad people like Dexter. I would kill high powered people hurting a lot of people( government people) I would probably kill them with a gun, execution style and then place a mirror by them as a symbol to look at what they have done. To look at what they’ve done. To look at that the people they hurt. I probably wouldn’t keep a souvenir because it could be an easy way to get caught plus its not about killing for fun to me, its to stop someone for the good of society.

   After my with interview Nicole and reviewing her answers to my questions I have concluded that  Michael C Hall is an amazing actor with good characteristics that do portray that dark, creepy, yet, charming and lovable serial killer as Dexter Morgan. Michael C hall does have that persona of a true actor that can not just portray as a serial killer but a charming and loving one as well. I also concluded that some people are interested in the minds of serial killers, not just me. I find serial killers very interesting but what makes me so interested with Dexter is not just what is in his mind. But the man behind his mind. It is Michael C Hall’s style and timing that puts all the perfect pieces together to make a dark and dreamy serial killer.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Book Review

Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Lindsay, Jeff, 9780307473707
     Darkly Dreaming Dexter is one of my favorite books. This book that inspired the TV series “Dexter” is about a man, Dexter Morgan who kills bad people, do to his childhood past. Now it might sound a little strange, that someone would be interested in that kind of book, but it is really thrilling to know what is inside of a serial killer’s mind. As  you read the book you feel like you are Dexter’s mind. He thinks inside his mind then outside of his mind. He tells his side of the story then the investigator of the crime scene. In the beginning he say’s “I had been waiting and watching the priest for five weeks now. The Need had been prickling and teasing and prodding at me to find one, find the next, find this priest, for three weeks I had known he was it, he was next, we belonged to the Dark passenger, he and I together. And  that three weeks  I had spent fighting the pressure, the growing, Need, rising in me like a great wave that roars up and over the beach and does not recede, only swells more with every tick of the bright night’s clock.” (Lindsay,2004)

  You can see why this book intrigues me, just that one quote or thought that he was thinking just keeps me on edge. As I read Dexter can get the sense that he his a good person. Dexter doesn’t ask for much. The only thing he wanted is to keep the good from the bad. In his way he thinks he is doing a “good deed”  and I agree with that because if someone were to murder some I loved I would want justice. Not saying that I would want them murdered but why should they get to live while my loved one is no longer living? Now the book  continues to unravel and you try to get the gist of Dexter and why he has the urge to murder. Calling it his Dark passenger. Unless you have seen the show you don’t know understand why he kills until the end of the book. It takes place in this storage lot where Dexter is looking for his sister Deborah. You soon find out that Dexter was adopted when he was three because of his past. When Dexter was only 3 years old his mother was murdered in the same storage lot. A cop Harry Morgan had adopted him and taught Dexter everything he needed to know that he could  feed is hunger for blood and still live in a human society. Well once Dexter finds where Deb is since she was kidnapped by this other serial killer you find out that it is Dexter’s real biological brother Brain. Brain was just as “messed” up as Dexter was. He liked killing people but Brain killed innocents. Brain had Deb on the table wrapped in plastic and he wanted Dexter to kill her. He couldn’t he loved Deborah so much that he killed his brother instead.

  In my opinion this book was amazingly written. It had parts that made me think and giggle a bit with Jeff Lindsay’s dark humor. I can understand if someone liked the show better then the book, such as I and I can see why someone would have liked the book more than the show. It all depends on different point of views. However, I suggest reading the book or watching the show before judging it. You never know you could end up loving the show like  have.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Top Ten

Top Ten men and women serial killers

  In the world these days there are and were some of the most evil serial killers of all time. This post will be about the top ten most evil serial killers of all time. This will be categorized by sex and the most famous killers in the world.
                                                          Top 5 evil serial killers

  1. Jack the Ripper
  2. the Zodiac killer
  3. Charles Manson
  4. Jeffery Dahmer
  5. Ted Bundy

                                                    Top 5 evil serial killers
1.       Myra Hindley
2.       Beverly Allitt
3.       Irma Grese
4.       Ilse Koch
5.       Katherine Knight


1. Jack the Ripper, one of the famous unknown serial killer of all time. In 1888 around east London , England A man only known as Jack the Ripper walks the streets late at night for unexpected females that he  tortures and brutality kills them for no reasoning what so ever. The police would call him Jack the Ripper only because he had a signature. He wrote letters of what he did to the women he murdered and signed it “Jack the Ripper”. Since there was no higher technology back then that we have now, Jack the Ripper will probably never be identified. Some say that a journalist Tom Bulling could be the killer because he his hand writing was similar to the actual killer, but that has never been proven.  It seems that Jack the Ripper only killed about 5 females in hi life time, when others say that he had killed more, but these are the names of the victim’s that seem to have been killed by Ripper himself. 

  Mary Ann (Polly) Nichols, murdered Friday, August 31, 1888.
 Annie Chapman, murdered Saturday, September 8, 1888.
 Elizabeth Stride, murdered Sunday, September 30, 1888.
 Catharine Eddowes, also murdered that same date.
 Mary Jane (Marie Jeanette) Kelly, murdered Friday, November 9, 1888.

          I hope in the future science will become more advance and we can finally find out who “Jack the Ripper” really is.

2.      The Zodiac Killer, has to be one of the most famous Killers out in the world that could still be around. It started in the late 1968’s when the Zodiac killer began. It seems that he only stalked and killer innocent people at random. Then he would leave letters with codes on there and no one was able to figure out what it said which left police on a wild goose chase for many decades even till this day.  But on “August 8th, 1969 A high school teacher and his wife cracked the 408-symbol cipher. The last 18 letters could not be decoded. The message read:

The fact that the code did not contain the killer's identity was a disappointment to the police, however some believe the letters can be rearranged (and three more letters added) to spell "Robert Emmet the Hippie."

Although  the Zodiac killer hasn’t killed since the 1980’s some say that he has stopped killing or that he had died a long time ago and we don’t even know. 


  1.    Myra Hindley was born July 23, 1942 and Died on November 15th, 2002. She was involved in the “Moors Murders” in the 1960’s. In this case a 16 year old girl Pauline Reade had gotten in Hindley’s minivan while here partner  and lover, Ian Brady followed them. Apparently Hindley was looking for a lost glove and needed help looking for it. While they were “searching” Brady got a hold of Pauline and raped her. Then took a shovel and smashed her head in ,cut her throat so deep almost decapitating it and then Brady buried Pauline’s body in a grave, which remained for 20 years. There were 4 more victim’s until Myra and Ian were arrested in 1965. Its rather sad that young lives were taking it makes you wonder how safe the world is and if you can trust anyone in the world.
                                                      4 victims
                                               1. Edward Evans
                                               2. Lesley Ann Downey
                                               3. Keith Bennett
                                               4. John Kilbride 

2.     Beverly Allitt is serving 13 life sentences for murdering children in a hospital we she works as a nurse. She had suffocated and or drugged her victims and she is only getting 30 years in jail. To me that’s completely unfair , but  judge, Mr Justice Stanley Burnton, said that she had turned the hospital where she worked into “if not a killing field, something close it He said that when an offender had a mental disorder it raised difficult ethical and philosophical questions about diminished responsibility. “I have found that there is an element of sadism in Ms Allitt’s conduct and her offending. But that sadism is itself, if not the result, certainly a manifestation of her mental disorder and it would be unduly simplistic to treat it in the same way as one would if the offender were mentally well.”  So in 1993 Allitt was found guilty and sentence 30 years for the attacks on innocent children.

       Now that i think of it, I remember reading in Darkly dreaming Dexter that the nurse at the hospital that his father was when he was ill and dying the nurse was a killer as well, I wonder if Jeff Lindsay ( the author of the book) based that part on Allitt.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

how to catch a serial killer

Catching a serial killer:

When catching  a serial killer you must think like a serial killer. In other words you must try to get inside the mind of a serial killer. But the first thing when catching a Killer is that you must start with the Crime Scene. When investigating a murder you have to think about all the variables that took place. Meaning that you have to :
1. Look for evidence, at a crime scene. Which include, photos of the body or bodies, blood, etc.. every inch of the crime scene needs to be examined so that no evidence is left behind.
2: Talk to and ask any witnesses that might know anything about what happened that day.
3: If the crime scene seems familiar to other resent or old unsolved murder cases then you need to research anything that can lead you closer to the killer.
4: If you find a person who could fit the characteristics of  any suspects you have then make sure to ask them important questions, like Where were you at this time? Or do you have an alibi? These type of questions with the proper answers can help you get closer to that actual killer.
5: when trying to track down a suspect , you might want to get to know where he or she would mostly like would go. Meaning where do they go to eat, live, work, and socialize. Knowing their locations can help you study their behavior with others and there whereabouts. You might even find where they hunt and or kill their victim’s.

Now when thinking about how a Serial Killer works or how his/her thought process works you might want to try and get in their minds, like ask yourself  questions. Here’s a question that made me think like a serial killer.
“Q: A woman is at her mother's funeral and very broken up over it. She then meets this good looking guy, complete stranger, and it's love at first sight. Despite her mother's death she is quite cheerful now. They talk for hours, but after the funeral he disappears and she never hears from him again. Two weeks later, she kills her sister. Why?
A: she was hoping to see the man again at her sister’s funeral.”
this was an interesting question to me because it took me a while to figure out and once I found the answer I knew that I really needed to think outside my mind and inside A killers mind. Catching Serial Killer’s is not all fun and games, although it is for the killer’s themselves, so next time when your trying to catch a serial killer you might need to try really hard and step out of your comfort zone and into the mind of a killer.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

 Current News of the Green River Killer

On February 8th Gary Ridgway the “Green River Killer” was in court for his 49th charge of killing another innocent women, Becky Marrero was only 20 years old and a mother at the time. In King County, Washington. The police had filed an aggravated murder charge against Ridgway. Ridgway was not sentence the death penalty because he decided to make a deal with the court. The only thing Ridgway had to do was plead guilty for the 48 murders he had committed and for any future cases that have been found. Ridgway was already serving 48 life sentences for the 48 murders he had committed, now he has another charge, with the murder of Becky Marrero, he had pleaded guilty.  
The court knew that Ridgway would plea guilty if it meant he did not have the death penalty. However if Ridgway had another murder charge that was outside of King County he may face the death penalty, until then Ridgway is not locked up in Washington’s state Penitentiary in walla walla.

Now thinking about the Gary Ridgway and Dexter Morgan had made me compare the fact of how completely different they are. Besides their looks, intelligence, way of murdering, and getting a way with it. I thought about how Dexter “ONLY” kills bad people who would harm an innocent or someone who is so evil they need to be stopped. And thinking about this, in a way I wish Dexter was a real person. Or maybe he is real and society doesn’t know about it, but just to think that if he really was around and had seen Ridgway and known that he was a cold blooded killer, I would want him to do something about it. He could have saved a lot more lives that way. I’m not saying that it is right to murder someone for murdering other people but to keep society safer, from harm is a very courageous and un-selfish thing to do. Would you murder someone to protect your love ones or like Dexter trying to save the innocent?

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Green River killer

The Green River Killer

What might I know about serial killers that the general public wouldn’t know. Well I really didn’t know anything myself. I had many questions and once I found what I was looking for, I was able to answer some questions about serial killers. What I wanted to know is what makes people want to kill and how do they think. I found some pretty  interesting information about the types of signs that  make up what a serial killer’s behavior  would be out in the real world. Here are the 14 characteristics of a serial killer.

 1. Over 90 percent of serial killers are male.
2. They tend to be intelligent, with IQ's in the "bright normal" range.
3. They do poorly in school, have trouble holding down jobs, and often work as unskilled laborers.
4. They tend to come from markedly unstable families.
5. As children, they are abandoned by their fathers and raised by domineering mothers.
6. Their families often have criminal, psychiatric and alcoholic histories.
7. They hate their fathers and mothers.
8. They are commonly abused as children — psychologically, physically and sexually. Often the abuse is by a family member.
9. Many serial killers spend time in institutions as children and have records of early psychiatric problems.
10. They have high rates of suicide attempts.
11. From an early age, many are intensely interested in voyeurism, fetishism, and sado-masochistic pornography.
12. More than 60 percent of serial killers wet their beds beyond the age of 12.
13. Many serial killers are fascinated with fire starting.
14. They are involved with sadistic activity or tormenting small creatures

  Now reading each of these characteristics had made me curious to see if a serial killer had some or all of these signs. So after researching a bit I found the Green River killer. Gary Ridgway was born on February 18, 1949.Ridgway had a troubling life. He was a bed wetter, he was doing poorly in school, because his IQ was low, his mother was domineering, his father wasn’t present in his life and he had an obsession with pornography. When he was 16 he had stabbed a six year old boy who lived, years later Ridgway started killing female prostitutes. He hated them and didn’t want to pay them for his service. Once he was caught he had confessed to cops and told them what he did after work. Stating "I was working second shift and go pick up a woman on the way home," says Ridgway on tape. "That way, I had the mornings free to go back and bury her."It is a chilling thought, just thinking that this man was killing for almost 20 years and some how I don’t feel afraid. I feel more interested, Then ever before. During this research I had made some comparisons between Dexter and Ridgway and I can honestly say that both men are completely opposite, Dexter has a high IQ, had a loving family, and has a somewhat social life. Ridgway has a low IQ and had a horrible family life and no social life. The only thing that Dexter and Ridgway has was that they love the thrill of killing and did have bad pasts. Even though Dexter is a fictional character, the creator of this show had to of researched information on the mind of killers to create such an amazing character, that loves killing but only for good. I still have many questions about this topic and the minds of killers. I hope you learn something from my research like I did. It helps me understand the human mind more. What do you think?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well come to : Inside A Killer’s Mind
What define a serial killer? Is it the environment he or she lived in or were they born a natural killer? No body really knows what is inside of the mind of a serial killer. No one really knows why humans killer each other for no reasoning. People may say that serial killers are mentally insane or in other words crazy. This is why I choose this topic. To understand the mind of a killer, too feel how he or she feels about life and death. I have heard, watched, and read the book “ Darkly Dreaming Dexter”. You meet a man Dexter Morgan around in his 30’s who works as a blood splatter expert for the Miami police department. Dexter Morgan is an interesting character, born in blood some had said. Dexter ‘s mother was murdered and he was sitting in her blood when a cop(Harry Morgan) had found Dexter and then later on adopted Dexter and becoming his foster father. When Dexter was older he had these impulsive action to kill. It started with a dog and When Harry found out, he knew that Dexter wouldn’t and couldn’t stop there. So Harry had to train Dexter codes or rules of not getting caught or to be very, very careful and perfect when killing. One important rule was to never kill an innocent and for that reason is that Dexter had lost his innocent so the only killing that he does is on the bad. Anyone who deserves to die, Dexter will hunt, plan, and attack. The show had really inspired me and spoke to me in a way. Dexter had given me a feeling of safety even though I know he is only a fictional character. Dexter had inspired me to want to learn more and more about what really is in the mind of a Killer. The show has Dexter narrate his thoughts and what he plans, which always keeps me wanting more from this incredibly written show. I truly think it is fascinating to actually learn the minds of actually killers in our real world. I wonder if they are the way because of troubled pasts like Dexter or are do they kill for enjoyment, like for instance the Joker from batman. I an extremely excited to do research on this topic and I hope I get to learn what is truly inside a killer’s mind.