Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Compare and Contrast: Serial killers

   Dexter Morgan vs. Jack the Ripper                

                                                                Dexter Morgan

                                                                 Jack the Ripper

   How can Dexter Morgan and Jack the Ripper be similar or different? Could Dexter Morgan take Jack the Ripper? For this compare and contrast post I will be comparing, contrasting, and  answering all types of questions. I will be researching the similarities and the differences that Dexter Morgan a fictional serial killer charter and Jack the Ripper a real life serial killer share and do not share.


 As I researched there seems that there is not much in common between Dexter and Jack. However, Jack the Ripper and Dexter Morgan are both serial killers. Both are intelligent for their time. They both are males. They both (from what I have researched) like to kill. They both have a certain way to kill, and both don’t ever feel guilty about who they killed. Dexter had said in season one of Dexter “I really need to kill somebody.” they both have also never been caught.


  There are more differences then similarities between Dexter Morgan and Jack the Ripper because Jack the Ripper was a real serial killer who was never found and Dexter is a fictional serial killer on TV. Dexter Morgan is a serial killer on Showtime’s series “Dexter” played by actor Michael C Hall. Dexter had a troubling past. When he was just three years old his mother was murdered. Due to that dramatic event, when Dexter grew up with his foster father Harry Morgan, mother Doris Morgan, and sister Deborah Morgan  he had these compulsions to kill and he ended up taking a dogs life. When his father Harry found out , he knew that Dexter would have to be put in a mental institution or he had to train Dexter to kill under the radar. So when Dexter was a teen . Harry taught him the Codes :
 Killing innocents is NEVER allowed
Always take time and make sure you have the right person-EVIDENCE
Be extremely careful with the killing and more importantly the PREPARATION!
Remember: YOU control your urges to kill, they don't control you.
Fake emotion and normality to fit in.
never get caught!
When taking a psychology personality test, always answer the question with the opposite of what you feel
  These codes helped Dexter out more than anyone could have thought. Since technology is improving and any evidence that is left behind can be found Dexter would have to be very careful. Unlike Jack the Ripper. He killed in the 1800’s in England while Dexter kills in Miami, Fl in today’s society. In Jack the Rippers time there was never data bases for DNA or finger print analyzing so that’s why Jack the Ripper was never caught. Some other differences between Jack and Dexter is that Jack killed five harmless female prostitutes  and Dexter only kills people who hurt the innocent which could be male or female but they are mostly male. They both did have a certain way of killing. Dexter would first hunt who he was going to kill. Make sure he followed every code that Harry told him, then he would make sure they were alone, at night then when he had is chance and would inject them with this needle, and bring them to his killing room where he had in advanced set up this room with plastic everywhere, had pictures of the victims the person he was killing had killed or hurt. Then when the time was right he would talk to them tell them something and then would stab them in the heart and watch them take their last breathe when blood would be pouring though the plastic. Then Dexter would cut the body parts in pieces, then pack the body parts up  and drop them in the Miami ocean. In Jack the Ripper’s case he killed five female prostitutes by strangling still they are unconscious and then rapped them from behind. In one interesting case from jack the Ripper,he had cut the throats when the women were on the ground. Splatter stains show that the blood pooled beside or under the neck and head of the victim rather than the front which is where the blood would flow if they had been standing up. In one case blood was found on the fence some 14 inches or so from the ground and opposite the neck wound and this shows that the blood spurted from the body while in the prone position on the ground. This method also prevented the killer from being unduly blood stained. By reaching over from the victim's right side to cut the left side of her throat, the blood flow would have been directed away from him, which would have reduced the amount of blood in which he would have been exposed. If the victim was already dead before their throats were cut, then the blood spilt would have not been very much. With the heart no longer beating the blood would not have been "pressurized," so only the blood in the immediate area of the wound would have evacuated gently from the cuts.  This was evidence that was recorded in the 1800’s and still to this very day can you go online and look up the case study of Jack the Ripper and see all the evidence that he had left behind. Which also brings me to other difference with Jack and Dexter. Jack the Ripper apparently left letters with the victims he murdered so that the police knew some what with who they were dealing with. A letter dated September 25 and received on the twenty-seventh by the Central News agency was the first to be signed "Jack the Ripper". A postcard post marked October 1 followed. Because it referred to a "double event" the police thought it might be from the killer since it was posted the day after the Ripper killed two women. The post card also referred to the letter and must have come from the same source as the letter had not been released to the public yet. If the post card had been sent on September 30, the day of the "double event", instead of October 1, the likelihood that it was really written by the murderer would be significantly greater.

   In my conclusion I can tell that with Dexter and in his time period being in the 21st century would have to make him a very intellectual, careful, charming, and likeable fictional serial killer. In a way I could view him as a hero or an innocent that had lost his soul due to dramatic events. Dexter Morgan is a man that is trying to “fit in” with humans , that is was the show is about. Dexter Morgan a man that is empty inside but only the feeling of hunger for a human understanding and to kill. Jack the Ripper on the other hand was a man that not only was a real serial killer in his time, but also very smart for his time. Jack the Ripper knew that the only way he could get caught is if the victims saw him and they were still alive or if witnesses saw him and reported him to the police. He wrote the letters but the police would never know who’s hand writing it was. Jack was a cold blooded killer who killed poor innocent women who did nothing to deserve to die, which always catches my interest when I read bout knew serial killers or old ones that I have never been found. In my opinion unless someone copies another serial killer’s style all serial killers with have more differences then similarities.

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