Thursday, April 21, 2011

Inside A Killer's Mind

My Last Post

    As I look back on my blog and think about everything that I have learned, I honestly can say that I not only learned about my Topic of serial Killers ,but I also learned how to correctly cite links and information that was needed for this and any other assignments. I learned how to find good sources for my blogs and I also Learned about my Topic as well. Serial Killers in my perspective are very interesting people. Although they kill for bad reason’s reading and watching the book/show Dexter made me realize that their could be some one out there who is just like Dexter. Trying to find his or her way in the world pretending to be human or at least living a double life as a regular normal human being and as a serial killer. Just like Dexter Morgan tries to be in the book and show. Dexter tries to have it all, live a normal life, go to work, come home and play with his kids and talk with his wife and deal with other people’s problems that surrounds him. Then try to feed is hunger for more blood, which is a very hard schedule for Dexter to juggle. In my opinion I see Dexter as a good  serial killer, I know its wrong for someone to kill other people but In a way he is getting rid of  he bad people who hurt the good ones and to me, in a semi-psychotic way I think that’s fine. I know it might sound crazy and you might think that I’m some sick loony but to me I understand Dexter and serial killers in general. Unlike other people who just think they are bad people. This is why I chose this topic about serial killers. I understand their pain and wanting the attention and control and or love that some people choose to ignore and when you feel ignored and hurt to the core, there’s this little voice in your head that tells you enough is enough and you want to be heard. At times some people may act differently, some people may become serial killers because of their family life or something that has happened in their life that has made him/her so angry that they need to kill or some people may just have this weird compulsion to takes lives because of the way their mind works. Some serial killers have low IQ’s but Dexter is special because he has a very high IQ. I respect Dexter and his work. I would love someday to meet Michael C. Hall Who plays Dexter’s character and ask him some one on one questions about the show and how he prepares to be that killer-tastic character  Dexter Morgan. There is so many things that  I have learned about serial killers, and sadly enough I will not be continuing my blog. If I ever got an interview with Michael C Hall I probably post it , but I feel like this post should be my last.  I would like to thank Mrs. Persen for helping me with anything that I needed help on and for just caring so much ,YOU ROCK MRS. PERSEN! Although this is my last post I still will continue reading all the Dexter series and keep watching the show until its done.  I am so happy I chose a topic that I can relate to and I love telling people about Dexter Morgan and serial killers in general. I hope some one has learned a little something from my blog and enjoys it as much as I have, thank you and take care! 

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