Thursday, February 17, 2011

how to catch a serial killer

Catching a serial killer:

When catching  a serial killer you must think like a serial killer. In other words you must try to get inside the mind of a serial killer. But the first thing when catching a Killer is that you must start with the Crime Scene. When investigating a murder you have to think about all the variables that took place. Meaning that you have to :
1. Look for evidence, at a crime scene. Which include, photos of the body or bodies, blood, etc.. every inch of the crime scene needs to be examined so that no evidence is left behind.
2: Talk to and ask any witnesses that might know anything about what happened that day.
3: If the crime scene seems familiar to other resent or old unsolved murder cases then you need to research anything that can lead you closer to the killer.
4: If you find a person who could fit the characteristics of  any suspects you have then make sure to ask them important questions, like Where were you at this time? Or do you have an alibi? These type of questions with the proper answers can help you get closer to that actual killer.
5: when trying to track down a suspect , you might want to get to know where he or she would mostly like would go. Meaning where do they go to eat, live, work, and socialize. Knowing their locations can help you study their behavior with others and there whereabouts. You might even find where they hunt and or kill their victim’s.

Now when thinking about how a Serial Killer works or how his/her thought process works you might want to try and get in their minds, like ask yourself  questions. Here’s a question that made me think like a serial killer.
“Q: A woman is at her mother's funeral and very broken up over it. She then meets this good looking guy, complete stranger, and it's love at first sight. Despite her mother's death she is quite cheerful now. They talk for hours, but after the funeral he disappears and she never hears from him again. Two weeks later, she kills her sister. Why?
A: she was hoping to see the man again at her sister’s funeral.”
this was an interesting question to me because it took me a while to figure out and once I found the answer I knew that I really needed to think outside my mind and inside A killers mind. Catching Serial Killer’s is not all fun and games, although it is for the killer’s themselves, so next time when your trying to catch a serial killer you might need to try really hard and step out of your comfort zone and into the mind of a killer.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

 Current News of the Green River Killer

On February 8th Gary Ridgway the “Green River Killer” was in court for his 49th charge of killing another innocent women, Becky Marrero was only 20 years old and a mother at the time. In King County, Washington. The police had filed an aggravated murder charge against Ridgway. Ridgway was not sentence the death penalty because he decided to make a deal with the court. The only thing Ridgway had to do was plead guilty for the 48 murders he had committed and for any future cases that have been found. Ridgway was already serving 48 life sentences for the 48 murders he had committed, now he has another charge, with the murder of Becky Marrero, he had pleaded guilty.  
The court knew that Ridgway would plea guilty if it meant he did not have the death penalty. However if Ridgway had another murder charge that was outside of King County he may face the death penalty, until then Ridgway is not locked up in Washington’s state Penitentiary in walla walla.

Now thinking about the Gary Ridgway and Dexter Morgan had made me compare the fact of how completely different they are. Besides their looks, intelligence, way of murdering, and getting a way with it. I thought about how Dexter “ONLY” kills bad people who would harm an innocent or someone who is so evil they need to be stopped. And thinking about this, in a way I wish Dexter was a real person. Or maybe he is real and society doesn’t know about it, but just to think that if he really was around and had seen Ridgway and known that he was a cold blooded killer, I would want him to do something about it. He could have saved a lot more lives that way. I’m not saying that it is right to murder someone for murdering other people but to keep society safer, from harm is a very courageous and un-selfish thing to do. Would you murder someone to protect your love ones or like Dexter trying to save the innocent?

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Green River killer

The Green River Killer

What might I know about serial killers that the general public wouldn’t know. Well I really didn’t know anything myself. I had many questions and once I found what I was looking for, I was able to answer some questions about serial killers. What I wanted to know is what makes people want to kill and how do they think. I found some pretty  interesting information about the types of signs that  make up what a serial killer’s behavior  would be out in the real world. Here are the 14 characteristics of a serial killer.

 1. Over 90 percent of serial killers are male.
2. They tend to be intelligent, with IQ's in the "bright normal" range.
3. They do poorly in school, have trouble holding down jobs, and often work as unskilled laborers.
4. They tend to come from markedly unstable families.
5. As children, they are abandoned by their fathers and raised by domineering mothers.
6. Their families often have criminal, psychiatric and alcoholic histories.
7. They hate their fathers and mothers.
8. They are commonly abused as children — psychologically, physically and sexually. Often the abuse is by a family member.
9. Many serial killers spend time in institutions as children and have records of early psychiatric problems.
10. They have high rates of suicide attempts.
11. From an early age, many are intensely interested in voyeurism, fetishism, and sado-masochistic pornography.
12. More than 60 percent of serial killers wet their beds beyond the age of 12.
13. Many serial killers are fascinated with fire starting.
14. They are involved with sadistic activity or tormenting small creatures

  Now reading each of these characteristics had made me curious to see if a serial killer had some or all of these signs. So after researching a bit I found the Green River killer. Gary Ridgway was born on February 18, 1949.Ridgway had a troubling life. He was a bed wetter, he was doing poorly in school, because his IQ was low, his mother was domineering, his father wasn’t present in his life and he had an obsession with pornography. When he was 16 he had stabbed a six year old boy who lived, years later Ridgway started killing female prostitutes. He hated them and didn’t want to pay them for his service. Once he was caught he had confessed to cops and told them what he did after work. Stating "I was working second shift and go pick up a woman on the way home," says Ridgway on tape. "That way, I had the mornings free to go back and bury her."It is a chilling thought, just thinking that this man was killing for almost 20 years and some how I don’t feel afraid. I feel more interested, Then ever before. During this research I had made some comparisons between Dexter and Ridgway and I can honestly say that both men are completely opposite, Dexter has a high IQ, had a loving family, and has a somewhat social life. Ridgway has a low IQ and had a horrible family life and no social life. The only thing that Dexter and Ridgway has was that they love the thrill of killing and did have bad pasts. Even though Dexter is a fictional character, the creator of this show had to of researched information on the mind of killers to create such an amazing character, that loves killing but only for good. I still have many questions about this topic and the minds of killers. I hope you learn something from my research like I did. It helps me understand the human mind more. What do you think?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well come to : Inside A Killer’s Mind
What define a serial killer? Is it the environment he or she lived in or were they born a natural killer? No body really knows what is inside of the mind of a serial killer. No one really knows why humans killer each other for no reasoning. People may say that serial killers are mentally insane or in other words crazy. This is why I choose this topic. To understand the mind of a killer, too feel how he or she feels about life and death. I have heard, watched, and read the book “ Darkly Dreaming Dexter”. You meet a man Dexter Morgan around in his 30’s who works as a blood splatter expert for the Miami police department. Dexter Morgan is an interesting character, born in blood some had said. Dexter ‘s mother was murdered and he was sitting in her blood when a cop(Harry Morgan) had found Dexter and then later on adopted Dexter and becoming his foster father. When Dexter was older he had these impulsive action to kill. It started with a dog and When Harry found out, he knew that Dexter wouldn’t and couldn’t stop there. So Harry had to train Dexter codes or rules of not getting caught or to be very, very careful and perfect when killing. One important rule was to never kill an innocent and for that reason is that Dexter had lost his innocent so the only killing that he does is on the bad. Anyone who deserves to die, Dexter will hunt, plan, and attack. The show had really inspired me and spoke to me in a way. Dexter had given me a feeling of safety even though I know he is only a fictional character. Dexter had inspired me to want to learn more and more about what really is in the mind of a Killer. The show has Dexter narrate his thoughts and what he plans, which always keeps me wanting more from this incredibly written show. I truly think it is fascinating to actually learn the minds of actually killers in our real world. I wonder if they are the way because of troubled pasts like Dexter or are do they kill for enjoyment, like for instance the Joker from batman. I an extremely excited to do research on this topic and I hope I get to learn what is truly inside a killer’s mind.